Chrome Angry Birds Cheating

What Cheat Codes can be used
The cheat code that should be used while playing Angry Birds for Chrome, in any of the browsers listed below is_

*javascript: var i = 0; while (i<=69) {

localStorage.setItem('level_star_'+i,'3'); i++; }


Players who decide to switch back to the original configuration, will have to use the following code

*javascript: var i = 0; while (i<=69) {

localStorage.setItem('level_star_'+i,'-1'); i++; }


the code can be modified, by changing the value of i; therefore if i = 1, the first level is skipped

Chrome Angry Birds Cheating Guide : How to cheat Angry Birds for Chrome while playing in Chrome
To cheat Angry Birds for Chrome, while playing the game using Google's Chrome browser, the player should follow these steps:
  • Open your Google Chrome browser
  • Go to: to start the game
  • Copy and paste the cheat code above, in the address bar. The address bar is the one you used to access the game's page
  • The game will restart, but with all levels unlocked
  • To switch back, copy the second code above in the address bar, and all levels will be locked, including those you already completed_*

Remember to Remove the Spaces From Code
